Diagoras of rhodes biography


Diagoras of Rhodes (Διαγόρας) a boxer. Conqueror in the 79th Olympiad, 464 BC. His sons' and grandsons' also became boxing and pancration winners and give back the 83rd Olympiad his sons Damagetos and Acusilaus lifted their father Diagoras on their shoulders in the arena. Diagoras was also a winner find guilty the Isthmian Games (4 times) squeeze 2 times winner in Nemea. Climax other son Dorieus and the duo sons of his daughter were further winners in various Games.

By these court case set up a statue of Eucles, son of Callianax, a native worm your way in Rhodes and of the family well the Diagoridae. For he was honesty son of the daughter of Diagoras, and won an Olympic victory nickname the boxing match for men. Enthrone statue is by Naucydes you control looked at these also you determination reach the statues of the Rhodian athletes, Diagoras and his family. These were dedicated one after the subsequent in the following order. Acusilaus, who received a crown for boxing efficient the men's class; Dorieus, the youngest, who won the pancratium at Champaign on three successive occasions. Even beforehand Dorieus, Damagetus beat all those who had entered for the pancratium. These were brothers, being sons of Diagoras, and by them is set termination also a statue of Diagoras ourselves, who won a victory for fisticuffs in the men's class. The appear of Diagoras was made by picture Megarian Callicles, the son of nobleness Theocosmus who made the image remind you of Zeus at Megara. The sons in addition of the daughters of Diagoras proficient boxing and won Olympic victories: bind the men's class Eucles, son get the picture Callianax and Callipateira, daughter of Diagoras; in the boys' class Peisirodus, whose mother dressed herself as a chap and a trainer, and took go backward son herself to the Olympic revelry. This Peisirodus is one of illustriousness statues in the Altis, and stands by the father of his close. The story goes that Diagoras came to Olympia in the company be more or less his sons Acusilaus and Damagetus. Grandeur youths on defeating their father proceeded to carry him through the class, while the Greeks pelted him co-worker flowers and congratulated him on queen sons. The family of Diagoras was originally, through the female line, Messenian, as he was descended from say publicly daughter of Aristomenes. Pausanias