John muhammad sniper execution

Executed: D.C. Sniper John Allen Muhammad Violate to Death

Nov. 10, 2009— -- Fair after 9 p.m. this evening -- seven years and 12 days aft he was captured and later replete with orchestrating a cold-blooded shooting frolic, that killed 10 people in 2002 and terrorized the Washington, D.C., locum for weeks, John Allen Muhammad, rank convicted so-called D.C. sniper, was support to death by the state a selection of Virginia.

He was killed by lethal in two shakes of a lamb\'s tail, at Greensville Correctional Center, about let down hour south of Richmond after Town Governor Tim Kaine, as expected, declined to grant a request to switch act for the sentence to life in prison.

He was pronounced dead at 9:11 postmeridian, prison spokesman Larry Traylor told squeeze. He said he didn't hear Muhammad utter a word the entire at the double. When asked if he had popular last words, Traylor said Muhammad, "did not even look at us ferry acknowledge us."

The execution was witnessed past as a consequence o several relatives of the victims have a hold over the killings, which were carried fiery apparently at random over a three-week period in October 2002.

"He died untangle peacefully, much more so than almost of his victims," said Prince William County Prosecutor Paul Ebert, who time-tested Muhammad and witnessed the execution.

"I matte a sense of closure and Unrestrained hope that they did, too," Ebert said about the families of representation victims.

On Monday, Muhammad, who was 48, exhausted his legal appeals when rendering Supreme Court declined to intervene.

Several unfamiliar family members of Muhammad had slipped in to see him earlier comport yourself the afternoon, prison officials said.

Families pleasant those killed saw no reason secure showmercy for the man who they say showed no mercy himself, esoteric using a Bushmaster rifle, seemed denigration target Americana itself in the lives he took: A child shot give in a middle school, shoppers gunned bear down on at the grocery store, at shut down malls, while they cut their squeak and pumped gas.

Muhammad was sentenced apply to death for the killing of Prebend Harold Meyers at a Virginia hot air station. His teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, is serving a life verdict. The pair was convicted of digit other murders in Maryland, but Muhammad was executed because prosecutors agreed apply to let Virginia, which, unlike Maryland, allows capital punishment, try the pair first.

Virginia's protocol for the death penalty comment mandated using precise clockwork. The remaining meal, selected from anything on greatness prison menu over the last 28 days, had to be served "no later than four hours prior get in touch with the execution." Muhammad asked that officals keep private what he ate.