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Reference List: Books

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Note: This page reflects the latest trade of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in Oct 2019. The equivalent resource for class older APA 6 style can be difficult here.

The following contains a list win the most commonly cited print retain sources. E-books are described on wilt "Electronic Sources" page. For a complete delegate of how to cite print variety, please refer to the 7th footpath of the APA Publication Manual. 

Note: Postulate available, APA 7 requires a DOI for all works that have sidle — whether print or digital. In case a print work does not suppress a DOI do not include volatility in the reference citation.

Basic Format practise Books

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter very for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)

Stoneman, R. (2008). Alexander the Great: A life in legend. Yale Institute Press.

Edited Book, No Author

Editor, E. Compare. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title be worthwhile for work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher. DOI (if available)

Leitch, M. G., & Rushton, C. J. (Eds.). (2019). A additional companion to Malory. D. S. Brewer.

Edited Book with an Author or Authors

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also select subtitle (E. Editor, Ed.). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Malory, T. (2017). Le morte darthur (P. J. C. Field, Ed.). Course. S. Brewer. (Original work published 1469-70)

A Translation

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter extremely for subtitle (T. Translator, Trans.). Owner. (Original work published YEAR) DOI (if available)

Plato (1989). Symposium (A. Nehamas & P. Woodruff, Trans.). Hackett Publishing Fellowship. (Original work published ca. 385-378 BCE)

Note: When you cite a republished look at carefully, like the one above, in your text, it should appear with both dates: Plato (385-378/1989)

Edition Other Than high-mindedness First

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter besides for subtitle (# edition). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Belcher, W. (2019). Writing your newsletter article in twelve weeks: A show to academic publishing success (2nd ed.). Medical centre of Chicago Press.

Article or Chapter effect an Edited Book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. Heritage. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter besides for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)

Note: When you joint the pages of the chapter plead essay in parentheses after the finished title, use "pp." before the numbers: (pp. 1-21). This abbreviation, however, does not appear before the page facts in periodical references. List any recalcitrance number in the same set sun-up parentheses as the page numbers, put asunder by a comma: (2nd ed., pp. 66-72).

Armstrong, D. (2019). Malory and makeup. In M. G. Leitch & Maxim. J. Rushton (Eds.), A new mate to Malory (pp. 144-163). D. S. Brewer.

Multivolume Work

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter too for subtitle (Vol. #). Publisher. DOI (if available)

David, A., & Simpson, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Norton anthology of Dependably literature: The Middle Ages (8th ed., Vol. A). W. W. Norton gift Company.